Sabtu, 06 September 2008




Realize Productive and Healthy Young Generation


1. Make Healthy School Environment

2. Health Education Especially Promotive and Preventive

TARGET AND BACKGROUND: Term UKS have been recognized in sufficient time but a lot of factor that cause UKS not optimal yet, among other things is lack of health worker which participated in Effort School Health (UKS) and also ability and time limitation of teacher that cause their difficulty to have commitment and care to execute UKS program. As the above consideration, RISALAH founded at 5 June 2008, which oriented at UKS, it based on the opinion that Human Resource quality determined by the health and education. Therefore, the Effort School Health (UKS) that emphasis at promotive, preventive, supported with qualified rehabilitative and curative effort, become strategic and importance aspect to reach the highest degree of health. RISALAH aim to TRIAS UKS that is makes healthy school environment, give health education especially promotive, preventive and health service to realize productive and healthy young generation.

ACTIVITY AREA: Activity area of this Club consist of improvement health quality of school through UKS with construct healthy school environment, give health education, health service of school majoring promotion and prevention, which consist of:

1. Department of Health Self, Health of Tooth, and Health of Adolescent Reproduction

2. Department of Environmental Health, Contagion, and Home Care

3. Departmental of Narcotic, and other addictive substance and Adolescent Mischief

4. Department of Recognition Fast Response Medical

PROGRAM : Assisting Executor of Builder Team of UKS job at Junior High School, Conducting adjacent UKS, training of cadre that care to health school, commemoration of health day, health race, intake of anthropometry data, research, data survey and management of garbage.

PUBLICIZING: Publish health bulletin, wall magazine about Health Info at every class in each Junior High School, pamphlet, and health poster

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